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Thursday, May 14, 2015

Tensions rise between Washington and Beijing over man-made islands

From an article located at:

My comment:
Don't be so surprised by the behavior of China these days. American corporations, supporting a communist dictatorship, while destroying America's manufacturing base, for profit, has been going on for years. It would be foolhardy to blame any single political party. Republicans and Democrats alike have had an equal hand in this outcome.

It's easy to blame a President or an entire political party, by succumbing to a blame game for political purposes. However, the real blame rests on the shoulders of Corporate America. In the past, Americans recognized the need to control Capitalism or Capitalism would devour the country. Capitalism requires control or it gets out of control. Loving Corporations too much, can harm the nation. America loves Corporations too much. We have lost our way.

This is not an attack on Capitalism. Our economic system is the worst in the world, except for all the others. However, Capitalism has a big glaring fault. It goes to the nature of all human beings. Capitalism is greedy and so are human beings. Maximizing profits for stockholders is a necessary endeavor but can harm the economic viability of people corporations need to sustain those profits. Greed is a self-devouring institution.

Some people still call China a communist state. I used the term in this diatribe. The truth is, China is the product of what Capitalism eventually evolves too, if left to its own devices and without control. China just bypassed all the preliminary steps needed for greed to gain full control of government and its people. China jumped directly into the perfect Fascist state.

America is headed that way, with the help of corporate America. An entire political party is supporting and facilitating absolute control of the United States by corporations. We are just going about the process a little slower than China did. Tea Party people, 99ers, Republicans and Democrats alike are beginning to recognize the control corporations have over our government and are waking up to the idea this process might not be good for all of us.

China is beginning to exercise the power American corporations have given the Chinese Fascists. Keep in mind, Chinese Fascist power only exists because of help American Corporations have given China, seeking greater profits. Like all Corporate controlled Fascist governments, China is beginning to flex its muscle driven by the greed inherit in all people.

One can argue corporate influence has also turned America into a militaristic Fascist state. Just witness our most recent wars as Corporations sought to acquire oil assets through conquest.  That's another story though.

One can argue corporate influence has also turned America into a militaristic Fascist state. Just witness our most recent wars as Corporations sought to acquire oil assets through conquest.  That's another story though.

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