'Never Clinton' Campaign
Inspirational Story located at:
My Comment:
Compared to the harm
their world will experience if the Dictator Trump gains office and the Congress
is controlled by Republicans, Hillary's weaknesses are small in comparison.
Have the BurnBots looked at the Republican world of limited Civil Liberties,
lack of health care, voter suppression, fewer educational opportunities, more
wars (they get to die in those) and plenty of laws they will have to live by,
passed by religious zealots? Instead of Hillary, do they want all that?
Hillary is much more in agreement with BurnBots
than they are with her. A very strange predicament, to say the least.
Ungrateful little snots. I hope all their enthusiasm for "La La Land"
doesn't land them instead into "Hell On Earth" with the likes of
Trump and a Republican Party who has demonstrated they don't like young people
or the things they believe in.
BurnBots have a big
choice. Vote for Hillary and get a lot of the things they want or vote for a
game show host who will take everything from them. Seems like a simple choice.
Even a bunch of "Bubble Blowers" should understand that.
Maybe not though!
These BurnBots seem like first cousins to the toothless deviants populating the
Republican Party. They may put someone in office who will do a great deal of
harm to them. It’s kind of like someone getting Medicaid help from their state
and working overtime to eliminate Obama Care so their Medicaid help disappears.
Not too bright. It seems to me a lot of those BurnBots have similar
self-destructive tendencies.
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