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Sunday, December 29, 2013
What's really wrong with Obama Care.
Response to an article at:
Just shows what happens when the public option, or better yet, single payer is abandoned. The entire ACA was designed to profit the insurance companies and now everyone is paying the price.
The health Care industry (doctors, hospitals, drug companies, etc.) continue to charge double the inflation rate and insurance companies continue their vulgar profiteering. The problem with Obama Care is that Republicans forced Obama to compromise too much in order to protect the status quo. I'm mad at Obama for caving in to Republicans and not going for the gold.
Everyone who had worthless health policies have to get something that will really protects them now. People who have been mooching off the system have to pay their way for now on. Terrible, terrible. People can't mooch anymore. Being responsible is now a behavior Republicans are against. Go figure. According to Republicans, keep on mooching. Be a burden to society. Keep sucking off society. Great plan, Republicans.
Maybe now that we have taken the first step towards universal healthcare we will finally tell private insurance companies they can't profit off American misery and the Health Care Industry can't be as greedy anymore. Get rid of insurance for profit and get doctors and hospitals more concerned about helping people and less concerned about lining their pockets. Go to a single payer system (Medicare for everyone) and straighten out those greedy, gluttonous pigs currently raping the American people.
Monday, December 9, 2013
Manifesto of a Militant Democrat - Intro
Manifesto of a Militant
(An introduction to an 8 part series
about re-establishing the Rule of Law in America)
Disregarding existing law
emboldens law breakers, now and in the future.
The United States has separate Rules of Law for ordinary
citizens, corporations, politicians, military and wealthy individuals.
The Rule of Law must be applied equally to every segment of
American society.
Currently, American citizens, the military and elected
officials have demonstrated a willingness to abandon the Rule of Law.
Therefore, it is incumbent upon Free American Democrats
take back our most cherished quality,
The Rule of Law
Republicans will not save our nation! This task depends on
1) Prosecute Crimes against Humanity committed by Politicians and members of
the military.
2) Prosecute US Citizens who have participated in kidnapping, torture, murder and
3) Prosecute individuals who tampered with the vote count and voting rights.
4) Prosecute politicians or employees of Federal, State and Local agencies who
knowingly spied on or gathered information of American Citizens without benefit
of warrant.
5) identify US Citizens who signed a petition to secede from the United States,
revoke their citizenship and deny benefits they would otherwise receive.
6) Remove elected officials from office if they have voted to nullify United
States Law or have publicly advocated secession from the United States.
7) Any State official opposing or obstructing the execution of the laws of the
United States or impedes the course of justice under those laws, shall be removed
from office.
8) the President, granted authority by the Sedition Act, can use Federal Troops
to forcibly remove elected individuals engaged in sedition and insurrection.
Only Democrats can establish the Rule of Law once cherished
by our Nation.
(An introduction to an 8 part series about re-establishing
the Rule of Law in America)
Saturday, November 23, 2013
Kennedy: “Did President Kennedy get his words mixed up?”
One of the most remembered quotes from the JFK Presidency was delivered during his inaugural speech on
January 20, 1961, when he said:
With total respect for President John F Kennedy, did he get his wording wrong? Shouldn't he have said?
I’m sure someone will point out my disrespect, one day after the 50th anniversary of his assassination, but I've always had a question about the meaning of his words. Granted, I’m just an amateur and should not presume to grasp the meaning of such lofty words.
Nevertheless, this famous quote from President Kennedy contradicts another famous saying I've heard over and over, all my life. Putting it simply:
In my mind this means we have a government made up of everyday citizens and our government is for the people. The key words being, “For the People.” Sorry folks! In America, people are not for the government's pleasure.
Almost exclusively, the history of mankind and its various forms of governments, emphasized the people lived for the benefit of the government. Monarchy forms of government always considered the serfs sole purpose in life was to serve the anointed “Royal Ones.” In Egypt the Pharaohs were thought to be Gods and the “lowly worms” of society had only one function in life, serve the Pharaohs.
As the New World (America) was discovered and founded, Royalty ruled the foremost powers of the world. Monarchies caused the peasants to seek respect, freedom of religion and to have a say in how they were to be governed. They fled Europe and came to the New World.
This was an entirely unknown concept in the world as America came into existence. Royalty, petty dictators, authoritarians and supremacists of all flavors shrieked but the idea “Government is For the People” swept the world and ignited the dreams of people worldwide, who had suffered from the old philosophy most of mankind’s history.
Now we come full circle and the nation pauses to remember one of the greatest Presidents in American history. Even Republicans paused for a moment and stopped all their name calling to honor one of America’s Democrats. The conspicuous silence from the “Tea Naggers” was welcome relief even if it lasted for just a
short time. There was one “Tea Nagger” trying to claim Kennedy was a conservative but as usual, the “Tea Nagger” was dead wrong. Kennedy outwardly declared himself a Liberal.
Much has been said about President Kennedy’s statement, “Ask what you can do for your country.” However, as Whoopi Goldberg said, “Is It Just Me?” Why did everyone clap when he said those words? His words are contrary to an idea separating us from the rest of the world since our founding.
Now I sound like a "Nagger" but I just have to ask. “Did President Kennedy get his words mixed up?”
January 20, 1961, when he said:
“Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can
do for your country.”
do for your country.”
With total respect for President John F Kennedy, did he get his wording wrong? Shouldn't he have said?
“Ask not what you can do for your country, but what your country can do for you.”
I’m sure someone will point out my disrespect, one day after the 50th anniversary of his assassination, but I've always had a question about the meaning of his words. Granted, I’m just an amateur and should not presume to grasp the meaning of such lofty words.
Nevertheless, this famous quote from President Kennedy contradicts another famous saying I've heard over and over, all my life. Putting it simply:
“By the People, for the People.”
In my mind this means we have a government made up of everyday citizens and our government is for the people. The key words being, “For the People.” Sorry folks! In America, people are not for the government's pleasure.
Almost exclusively, the history of mankind and its various forms of governments, emphasized the people lived for the benefit of the government. Monarchy forms of government always considered the serfs sole purpose in life was to serve the anointed “Royal Ones.” In Egypt the Pharaohs were thought to be Gods and the “lowly worms” of society had only one function in life, serve the Pharaohs.
As the New World (America) was discovered and founded, Royalty ruled the foremost powers of the world. Monarchies caused the peasants to seek respect, freedom of religion and to have a say in how they were to be governed. They fled Europe and came to the New World.
Over a period of time, a new idea, unknown for most of man’s history, began to emerge in American philosophy. The world’s establishment always considered people existed for the elite few. During the founding of the United States, we Americans threw everything out the window and said, “Government is For the People.”
This was an entirely unknown concept in the world as America came into existence. Royalty, petty dictators, authoritarians and supremacists of all flavors shrieked but the idea “Government is For the People” swept the world and ignited the dreams of people worldwide, who had suffered from the old philosophy most of mankind’s history.
Now we come full circle and the nation pauses to remember one of the greatest Presidents in American history. Even Republicans paused for a moment and stopped all their name calling to honor one of America’s Democrats. The conspicuous silence from the “Tea Naggers” was welcome relief even if it lasted for just a
short time. There was one “Tea Nagger” trying to claim Kennedy was a conservative but as usual, the “Tea Nagger” was dead wrong. Kennedy outwardly declared himself a Liberal.
Much has been said about President Kennedy’s statement, “Ask what you can do for your country.” However, as Whoopi Goldberg said, “Is It Just Me?” Why did everyone clap when he said those words? His words are contrary to an idea separating us from the rest of the world since our founding.
Now I sound like a "Nagger" but I just have to ask. “Did President Kennedy get his words mixed up?”
Wednesday, November 20, 2013
No Such Thing As States Rights! Sedition and Insurrection In The Air!
I'm not sure about those two. However, I think Elizabeth Warren has the guts. Elizabeth is looking good right now.Ted Cruz would let a state secede because he's no Lincoln.
I've always maintained there’s no such thing as States Rights. At any given time the Federal
Government can pass a law and under the "Supremacy Clause" Federal Law overrides State Law at all times. Anyone casting a vote in a state legislative body endeavoring to nullify Federal Law is committing an act of sedition and should be removed from office.In this day and age it’s important all civil liberties are enforced in a uniform manner across our
nation. Can you imagine the complications if individual states defined what "Freedom of Speech" means? All of our Civil Liberties should be protected equally from one corner of the America to the next. States can’t be allowed to interpret what Civil Liberties are within its borders.
The uniform application of Federal law is equally important for our Penumbra (shadow) rights. Choice, Privacy and Association fall into this category. Those words (Choice, Privacy and Association) do not appear in the written Constitution, yet we all consider our choices to be private and who we associate with being our business and not the governments. There are exceptions of course but for the most part we hold these Penumbra (shadow) rights to be sacred.
I maintain these three Penumbra's cover Gay Rights, Health Care and Abortion. States cannot be allowed to individually interpret what these rights are. States are not allowed to interpret our Bill of Rights or any other Amendment to the Constitution. Individuals moving from state to state have a reasonable expectation their Civil Liberties will be applied equally no matter what state they live in.
Once a Federal Law has been enacted, states cannot interpret Federal Law and apply the Law
differently from one state to another. States can’t nullify Federal Law at any time. States can’t deny the protections afforded its citizens granted by the Federal Government (Equal Protection Clause). States can’t selectively deny Civil Liberties to its citizens when those same Civil Liberties are granted to other residents in other states because of Federal Law.
Furthermore, any State Legislative body voting to nullify Federal Law which diminishes the rights of its citizens, protected under Federal Law, is an act of sedition. This includes individuals, regardless of Party. This, from the Sedition Act. It is also in the “Equal Protection” clause of the 14th Amendment.
All elected officials take the "Oath of Allegiance" and they are obligated to defend the Constitution from all enemies foreign and domestic which includes adhering too and protecting the "Supremacy Clause". Breaking the “Oath of Allegiance” is grounds for removing the elected official from office under the 14th Amendment, Paragraph Three.
Any elected official having taken the "Oath of Allegiance” who openly encourages nullifying Federal Law is Inciting Insurrection and is an enemy of the state. Any elected official casting an affirmative vote to nullify Federal Law has broken their “Oath of Allegiance” to defend the Constitution of the United States. They should be removed from office by force if necessary. Rick Perry, Ron Paul, Ted Cruz, etc., etc., listen up!
The Supremacy Clause eliminates States Rights at every turn in our national history. In this day and age, the uniform integrity of the United States is paramount not only for the continued existence of this nation but for the stability of the world.
Individual states can’t spin off and become their own nations with their own laws. States cannot interpret Federal Law and violate the Civil Liberties of residents residing within their state borders. Again, the "Equal Protection Clause".
Modern day Confederates can't be allowed to destroy the integrity of our nation. Prior to our Civil War, Abraham Lincoln didn’t have the tools we have today to stop the catastrophe which engulfed America long ago. Today, the tools are in place. Only question is, does anyone have the guts to stop these new age Confederate Traitors?
Sunday, November 17, 2013
Start Bragging! Democrats Were Right.
The Verdict Is In! Historical Evidence Recorded! Facts Substantiated!
The Democrats were right when they opposed everything the Republicans did during the Bush Administration. Don't apologize to anyone if you are a Democrat and a Liberal.
One of my early videos.
This is not the time to be polite. Don't be afraid to claim your moral correctness. Being friendly to the Tea Nagging Republican Party will accomplish nothing. You can't talk to those people. If President Obama were to be judged in the future about his greatest mistake it would be he tried to negotiate and talk to the New Confederate traitors in our midst. He has failed this endeavor. They stabbed him in the back.
Our nation is at a crossroads. Nullification and Secession is in the wind. Republicans are actively trying to dismantle our government, restrict voting rights, deny Civil Liberties and our Penumbra Rights of Choice, Privacy and Association are under attack.
Corporations have developed a unique version of American Fascism. They dominate our government and convince politicians to pass laws benefiting the darkest elements of our society. The American people are being reduced to the status of Chinese slave laborers in order to increase profits.
There are Blue Dog Democrats in our midst and they need to be purged from the only party capable of resisting the forces Fascism, Greed, Selfishness and Authoritarianism.
We are at a crossroads. Time for negotiation is over. Jesus and our founding fathers were Liberals. Stand
up, be proud because you are in good company. You will never convince these New Confederate Traitors to see things your way. You're going to have to stick to your principles and force your views down their throats. You have to keep voting them out at the polls until they get the message.
The Democrats were right. History has proven us right. They are wrong. Trying to appease them is dangerous for our nation. Stand up! Fight! Fight! Fight for our nation!
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Please use the comments to demonstrate your own ignorance, unfamiliarity with empirical data, ability to repeat discredited memes, and lack of respect for scientific knowledge. Also, be sure to create straw men and argue against things I have neither said nor even implied. Any irrelevancies you can mention will also be appreciated. Lastly, kindly forgo all civility in your discourse . . . you are, after all, anonymous.
Saturday, November 16, 2013
Not Blaming Republican Lies Is Disingenuous
The following is my reply to a comment made on my Blog. The individual making the comment seemed to be all upset about Obama's omission while totally ignoring the coordinated attack by Elected Republican officials making up dozens of lies about the ACA going back before the law was even passed.
Trying to get through all your nonsense was a real chore. I guess you're all cranked up about a communication error and you want to scrap the whole law. Perhaps you want to impeach the President. Maybe you want to go back to the way things were and make sure 50 million Americans don't have insurance.
Did you like the Healthcare Industry before the ACA was passed? I had a family member die because they had a pre-existing condition, insurance wouldn't pay, and doctors just let him wither away. It left a bitter taste for my whole family. I hope it doesn't happen to you.
Truth is, in comparison to Obama's white lie, the Entire Republican Party has been telling the biggest pack of lies about the ACA going back before the law was passed. Elected Republican officials lying through their teeth about the ACA, coordinating their lies, and saying them over and over again until uninformed people start believing the lies.
I didn't see anything in your silly comment on about all the good things happening under the ACA. I didn't see you mention all the lies the Republicans are telling. Why are you focusing your wrath on a man who is just trying to help millions of Americans? Is that his real crime? He's trying to do something good for fellow American citizens. I don't get it. What are you trying to say?
Here's a link to an interesting article. Read it.
Wake Up! President Obama Didn't Lie!
Obama Is Not The Villain.
The following is a response to a very intelligent woman who commented on a previous blog I had written. She wanted to make the point that being overly zealous for one party or one man is not good and I should look at Republicans as well. Here’s my response.
I'm a lot like you. I would support a Republican if one can be found. There isn't a single Republican that comes even close to the values I hold true today. Let me clarify. No Republican leader is worth looking at for the moment. I have probably voted equally for both parties through my life.
The latest media darling is Chris Christie. What has he done? He hugged Obama and that's it. Look closely at what he's supports and it turns out he's the same old austerity, gun toting, hate the government conservative all the others are. He has completely mismanaged the hurricane relief effort in New Jersey. Christie is not our knight in shining armor.
The difficulty with Obama's insurance statement is that he was referring to the majority of people (85%) with insurance which met the new standards of the ACA. If those people are dumb enough to keep their existing policies, then so be it. However, over time, many would switch to the new exchanges for price alone. Not to mention better coverage.
Obama is guilty of not making clear to a bunch of uninformed people, their junk insurance policies would have to be replaced. If they stayed with their current carrier, they would have to pay more in order to meet the new standards. Or, they could go on the exchanges and get a better deal.
Less than 5% of people covered by insurance are affected and that's because they were sold junk policies which can't measure up to the new ACA standards. In many ways, holders of junk policies are not covered. They won’t find out how bad their policy is until they need it.
There's a story yesterday about how the insurance companies are miffed by the Obama administration when they were alerting everyone two years ago that those junk policies would have to be cancelled and new policies issued, at higher cost, in order to meet the new standards. They were alerting the public. Remember?
Letters were sent to their policyholders. Stories in the news covered the subject. Remember? I do. The remedy (two years ago) for holders of junk insurance policies would be to go on the exchanges, get a better policy for less money and be better off.
All this stuff about cancelled policies is old news and everyone concerned was notified and alerted. I'm pretty stupid and I knew what was coming. People with junk policies are being disingenuous if they cry now. They knew. Shut up and get a better deal. Quit trying to blame Obama for your ignorance.
Many people have become victims of Republican propaganda. Republicans are blindly going against a health policy they once supported just to be against it. Republican obstructionism will harm millions of Americans and they don't care. Their party universally supports harming our country and opposes someone who is doing nothing more than trying to help the country. Obama is the enemy? Wrong target!
If a Republican will stand up and tell the truth, I would be very interested in that person. There are none to be found. Until then, I will support Democrats to the fullest. They are the only party in this country trying to help people. The other party is actively trying to hurt people.
The latest media darling is Chris Christie. What has he done? He hugged Obama and that's it. Look closely at what he's supports and it turns out he's the same old austerity, gun toting, hate the government conservative all the others are. He has completely mismanaged the hurricane relief effort in New Jersey. Christie is not our knight in shining armor.
The difficulty with Obama's insurance statement is that he was referring to the majority of people (85%) with insurance which met the new standards of the ACA. If those people are dumb enough to keep their existing policies, then so be it. However, over time, many would switch to the new exchanges for price alone. Not to mention better coverage.
Obama is guilty of not making clear to a bunch of uninformed people, their junk insurance policies would have to be replaced. If they stayed with their current carrier, they would have to pay more in order to meet the new standards. Or, they could go on the exchanges and get a better deal.
Less than 5% of people covered by insurance are affected and that's because they were sold junk policies which can't measure up to the new ACA standards. In many ways, holders of junk policies are not covered. They won’t find out how bad their policy is until they need it.
There's a story yesterday about how the insurance companies are miffed by the Obama administration when they were alerting everyone two years ago that those junk policies would have to be cancelled and new policies issued, at higher cost, in order to meet the new standards. They were alerting the public. Remember?
Letters were sent to their policyholders. Stories in the news covered the subject. Remember? I do. The remedy (two years ago) for holders of junk insurance policies would be to go on the exchanges, get a better policy for less money and be better off.
All this stuff about cancelled policies is old news and everyone concerned was notified and alerted. I'm pretty stupid and I knew what was coming. People with junk policies are being disingenuous if they cry now. They knew. Shut up and get a better deal. Quit trying to blame Obama for your ignorance.
Many people have become victims of Republican propaganda. Republicans are blindly going against a health policy they once supported just to be against it. Republican obstructionism will harm millions of Americans and they don't care. Their party universally supports harming our country and opposes someone who is doing nothing more than trying to help the country. Obama is the enemy? Wrong target!
If a Republican will stand up and tell the truth, I would be very interested in that person. There are none to be found. Until then, I will support Democrats to the fullest. They are the only party in this country trying to help people. The other party is actively trying to hurt people.
This is a no brainer people. Digressing to the old health care policies would be a disaster for millions of Americans. All I can say to Republicans is, “quiet down, pitch in and help the country. Stop trying to hurt everyone including yourself. What are you, a bunch of masochists?”
Thursday, November 14, 2013
President Obama Looks Tired
The role of President is taking its toll |
I Bet He'll
Be Glad When
It's Over
Remember the young man who took office in 2008? He was so full of
energy. Filled with hope for our country, sparks seemed to fly off the man. His
beautiful wife and children, and the Man, proved to the world how great America
is. All Americans exulted in the historical moment President Obama's election
meant for the country and for the world. I don't know about all of you but for
the first time in a long time my chest stuck out and I raised my head to the
heavens thankful for the moment. God Bless America.
George W. Bush took a lot out of me. More than Bush, the
Republicans made me become defensive and ashamed for our nation. Who would ever
have thought the most beloved, revered and respected nation in the world would
invade another country, kill half a million innocent people for nothing, and
then brag about it.
It was mind staggering to ponder my beloved country had become the
biggest violator of the Geneva Conventions in the world. Day after day stories
and pictures appeared before me of tortured prisoners and murdered civilians.
Fellow Americans were torturing people to death!
When I protested, Republicans accused me of being unpatriotic.
Republicans made excuses for torture. I was ashamed of our nation and of the
Republican Party. They dragged all Americans into the dirt. The Republicans besmirched
all Americans.
When it became evident our Vice President and his buddies were
getting rich from the phony war and profiteering from death and mayhem I cried
out, and Republicans said I didn't love my country. When I said the war would
cause massive debt because it was put on a credit card for future children to
pay, the Republicans passed more tax cuts and exploded the debt even more.
The Republican Party uniformly demanded, "don't worry, we
promise, everything will be alright". They said they knew what they were
By the time President Obama had been elected it had become
apparent the Republicans didn't have a clue what they were doing. Still, in the
Presidential Campaign of 2012, Republicans tried to tell us we need to follow
them once again. Millions of Americans voted to put Republicans back in power
despite all the lessons learned from the Bush years. Voting against their own
best interests. So disgraceful.
![]() |
Fight to the end. We are right! |
Mr. President, please remember your cause has been noticed. We
still believe in you. Though it will damage your health and your sanity dealing
with Republicans, keep up the fight. Your sacrifice will always be remembered.
Your time in history will always be revered.
Your cause, our cause is righteous and in the spirit of the great
American dream. With the ACA you have improved the lives of millions of
Americans in stark contrast to the previous administration. Your efforts have
contributed to the common good despite Republican efforts damage our country. God
bless you and keep up the good work. We are with you 'till the end.
Monday, November 11, 2013
Jesus Is Not Lord (or is He?)
Not Lord?
Here you go. If you want to crank people
up, talk religion.
A relatively new Christian faith has risen
up in the United States. This religious belief has grown in strength through
the years and coincides with the growth of Fundamentalist Christian thought in
America. This new religion is made up of many different churches but on the
whole, they think Jesus is Lord.
Our nation has periodically experienced
Fundamentalism in the past. It gains strength for a while then recedes for a
few years only to raise its head again. Other religions experience these
attacks as well, so fundamentalist thought is not restricted to Christians.
Currently the Muslim faith is experiencing
a resurgence of fundamentalism and it coincides with the rise of Christian
Fundamentalism. Historically this combination has always proven deadly. Recent
world events has proven this true.
As America was founded and then expanded
Westward, Fundamentalist Christians ruled the land. The Church of England was
extremely fundamentalist in their thoughts and they drove many people out of
Europe for religious reasons. Many of our colonists were persecuted by
Fundamentalists in Europe and so they fled to our shores.
We see evidence of this Christian
Superiority concept with the genocide of Indian Nations across America. The
only good Indian was a dead Indian. Blacks weren't considered full human beings
even by our enlightened founding fathers when they wrote the Constitution.
Clearly America had a Christian
Superiority complex in the old days. There's plenty of evidence to indicate
these notions still exist. Dominion Christianity is the new threat. Witness Ted
Cruz. That's another op ed for later.
Nevertheless, is Jesus Lord? I don't
pretend to be some religious scholar but there is enough history on this
subject to make one question whether Jesus is Lord or not.
We know that the majority of Christians
prior to 328 AD in Europe emphasized Jesus was a prophet. He spoke God's words
but he wasn't Lord. We also know that of the twelve Apostles only Paul thought
Jesus was God (Lord). The other eleven didn't. Nothing is wrong with
thinking Jesus was a prophet. After all, speaking God's word is no small
We also know that Constantinople was the
center of the Christian world at that time. The Ecumenical Council of 328 AD
in Constantinople declared the Trinity as the new Christian law and
from then on that's how Christians have thought. You know, Father, Son and the
Holy Ghost. The beliefs of the Apostle Paul overcame 328 years of Christian
Doctrine and the beliefs of the other eleven Apostles. Paulism, Jesus is Lord,
became the new belief.
More Food For Thought
Don't you love it?
If you believe the Bible, you know that
Jesus gave us the Lord’s Prayer. He told us we are to say that prayer every day.
The prayer starts off with "Our Father who art in Heaven". The prayer
does not tell us to pray to Jesus. Jesus was on Earth when he gave us the
prayer. The Father is in Heaven. Two distinctly different entities. The prayer
then ends with the words, Amen. Not in Jesus name, but simply Amen. As in Amen
to our heavenly Father.
A little later on Jesus is on the Cross.
He yells out, "Father, why hast thou forsaken me"? He wasn't talking
to himself. Just before he dies he say, "Father forgive them, they know
not what they do". Again, he was talking to someone else beside himself.
Yea, yea, yea! I can just hear the attacks
coming now. What does he know? Does he have documentation? Is he qualified to
say these things? Why is he attacking our religion? Good grief, I can just hear
it now.
Get a load of this! Some believe that a
false religion will rise up in the end times. Others say that after Satan was
cast from Heaven and condemned to rule Hell, Satan's singular goal was to get
mankind to worship a false God. Let’s see now. Jesus is a false God and perhaps
we are in the end times. Quid pro quo! In America, Christian Fundamentalists
are the false religion ruled by Satan. No wonder those Christians are raising
so much hell.
Saturday, November 9, 2013
How I overcame my PTSD - I stopped Crying
How I overcame Delayed Stress
Syndrome (PTSD)
First, a brief history of my Dad.
Please, I know it’s boring for some. But, his story is relevant to the story I’m
about to tell.
My father was in the Infantry
during WWII. He was with the 42nd Rainbow Division of the US Army
and served Infantry combat on the Western front. He experienced the full fury
the German Army presented in those dark days.
He was a Ranger with his Division
and in those days Ranger’s did a lot of recon ahead of the main
unit. One day,
he was pinned down by machine gun fire, surrounded by German SS troops and his
whole squad was killed except for him.With that stroke of luck, my
other two brothers would be born. Discovery of these events only surfaced long
after my mother and father passed away.
My Dad was then interrogated (not a
pleasant experience) and taken to what became East Germany after the War. He
was put into a prisoner of war camp where he was finally liberated by the
advancing Russian Army.
Upon going home, my mother was not
allowed to see her husband for six months. Dad had been so emaciated by
his captivity, the Army wouldn't allow her even a single visit. Without
question, my father suffered greatly.
No one knew what he had been through. Click to enlarge. |
Now, about PTSD. When I came back
from infantry service in Vietnam, 1967-1968, I was a mess. I remember feeling
so sorry for myself. Prior to going into the Army the LA Dodgers were scouting
me but when I came home I had lost interest in anything prior to my war in the ‘Nam.
I lived at home with mom and dad
for a while and generally pouted and cried myself to sleep. I didn't want to
work. I didn't know what I wanted to do and walked around in a daze, day and
night. I had bad dreams all the time. By today’s standards I was suffering
However, my father came to the
rescue. I’ll never forget the day. My dad cornered me in the garage without my
mother present, grabbed me by the nap of my shirt and slammed me up against the
wall. He told me, “Snap out of it. You’re not the only person to have suffered.
Your behavior is not manly. You have your whole life ahead of you and you have
an obligation to yourself, your family and your fallen friends, to be all you
can be. Stop crying in your beer and man up. Never talk about Vietnam again”.
Then he went to my room, gathered
up a couple guns I acquired and took them outside and locked them into the
trunk of his car. I never saw those guns again. He went back to my room,
gathered up all my war paraphernalia including my military uniform, newspaper
clippings of the war and anything else regarding my military service, put it
all in a pile in the back yard and poured gasoline on the stuff. He lit a match
and everything about the military was gone.
While the fire burned, he turned to
me and said, “Quit crying like a baby. Man up and get over it”. He turned away and
never said another word about Vietnam, the military or anything else having to
do with war.
In retrospect my father may have saved my life. He insulted my manhood and appealed to my pride. He did what no other person could have done. My father, the man, made me become a man like him. It's not enough facing combat in order to call yourself a man.
You have to deal with your demons or the banshees will diminish your manhood for a lifetime. Feeling sorry for yourself degrades the memory of those you left behind and causes your family to disrespect you.
From then on, I never spoke very much about my military experience. Only now, I speak out
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That's me on the far left. |
However, I can offer a word of
advice to all the military crybabies we see from today’s Army and other
branches of the service. Compared to other conflicts you have not suffered at
all. You are crying too much in your beer. You are feeling sorry for yourself and
you dishonor those who gave more than you did. Get off your lazy ass and start
contributing something to your family and your country.
Get rid of all that war garbage and
come back to living a civilian life. Your military experience was a complete
waste of your time and contributed nothing to your future. Never talk about
your experiences in the military because it will only seem as though you are
seeking attention. Do not seek attention. Do not brag and boast. A man will
overcome his experiences and become more than he would have otherwise.
For God’s sake! MAN UP! Quit looking for a free ride. You are not worth a lifetime of payments from the American taxpayer.
Thursday, October 31, 2013
Warning! Republicans are Selfish and Self Centered
These beliefs are not reserved just for Ron Paul Republicans. The idea States can up and leave the Union if
Union Forever |
These unpatriotic ideas harken back to the old Confederate mindset that if you feel like it, go ahead and destroy America. Do it by force of arms if you must and kill a lot of fellow Americans along the way.
In preparation for the glorious day when a State can secede, many Americans are stockpiling military style assault rifles and large quantities of ammunition. They participate in
We Have paid The Price |
The belief in the superiority of their ideas, their religion and their race can transcend very easily into violence resulting in the deaths of those they perceive as inferior to them. The history of mankind has demonstrated this truth over and over again. We are not immune to these perceptions.
The problem is, destroying America in our Civil War days had fewer consequences for America and for the
Defend to the end |
Our ideas have spread worldwide and our nation provides hope for hundreds of millions of people around the globe . The economic stability of the world is anchored by the United States and provides stability for the entire human race. That's why, when Republican traitors threaten the good faith and credit of the United States, the world trembles.
Threatening the good faith and credit of the United States is yet another way Republicans and their threats of violence go hand in hand with the delusion of secession. Their is a widespread belief among millions of Americans the United States government should be eliminated and all power turned over to individual states.
Defend against all enemies foreign and domestic |
Civil liberties wouldn't be the same. In some States Freedom of Speech and Freedom of Religion would not be the same. There would be mass migration of Americans fleeing these dictator minded Republicans and a massive upheaval of the American dream would fall upon the land. The world would collectively cry in despair. The planet would fall into chaos.
Be on guard at all times. Abraham Lincoln hesitated and America paid the price.The Confederacy temporarily went mad with their persecution complexes and delusions of grandeur. A collective paranoia beseeched the South and hundreds of thousands of Americans died in the struggle to save the Union. Lincoln waited too long to head off the calamity of the Civil War. We dare not make his mistake again.
My next video and article will show how we can stop these Republican Traitors in their tracks. Stay tuned.
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
The Moan of Death (extended version)
The Moan of Death (original version)
Please excuse me if i don't tell a story well
The Mekong Delta,
Vietnam, 1968. Just after TET and city fighting in Cholon, Saigon. Raining,
cold and soaked to the bone. We were covered in mud from a firefight
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It could be beautiful at times. |
They took us in
by chopper to the first stand of trees but nothing was there. The Mekong Delta,
located outside Saigon, was a flooded area that ebbed and flowed in depth
according to the ocean tides. The choppers, having left, meant that the next
stand of trees, more than a mile away would have to be approached by foot in deep
Rain was coming
down hard and our Battalion waded in water up to our waste for more than a
mile. We went in four columns, one for each Company. On occasion someone would
fall into a hole and he would have drowned because of his heavy load
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The Mekong Delta. An ugly place. |
The entire area
was engulfed in combat. Other Battalions from other units were engaged and as
our Battalion sloshed our way to the next target one could see the conflict
erupt at other tree stands. The Delta was a large flooded area dotted with
stands of jangled trees, like small islands in Indonesia. You could see the
terrain for several miles because it was totally flat.
On our way we
could see Phantom fighter bombers dropping napalm on their target on a distant
island of trees. Helicopter gunships were attacking with rockets and Puff the
Magic Dragon was circling above pouring Gatling machine gun fire into the trees.
Even though every third bullet had a tracer it appeared as though a red ray gun
was streaming onto the ground. Artillery rounds whooshed above our heads for
some unknown target.
The area was
ablaze with the sound of combat. Even a mile away we could feel the concussion
of bombs and see the rippling water from explosions mixed in with the rain
drops. Even though the rain made a lot of noise you could still hear the explosions.
Thumping sounds.
As we approached our target we began to spread out. We hunkered down into the water with only our heads showing as supporting prep fire began to pour in. It sounded as if there were three batteries of 155 howitzers with their two hundred pound shells coming in from three different directions. One battery was lobbing in shells right over our heads. The air becomes electrified!
As we approached our target we began to spread out. We hunkered down into the water with only our heads showing as supporting prep fire began to pour in. It sounded as if there were three batteries of 155 howitzers with their two hundred pound shells coming in from three different directions. One battery was lobbing in shells right over our heads. The air becomes electrified!
Soon artillery
fire lifted and Phantom fighter bombers swooped in low and slow dropping 500
pound bombs and napalm. Shrapnel from the bombs peppered our positions in the
water and the sound was so loud we had to cover our ears to protect our
Then we saw it.
There were streaks of .51 caliber anti-aircraft fire with their tattle tale
green tracers rising out of the trees and tracking the Phantoms as they swooped
in. Before long a phantom was hit and billowed out streams of black smoke as it
left the area disappearing over the horizon. Never knew if the guy got back
Now we knew. Sir
Charles was on this island in the flooded Delta. Many times we didn't know
where Sir Charles was but this time we knew. Large .51 caliber machine guns
always had a lot of troops for protection. On this day many would die. We knew
it. Sir Charles knew it too.
On that day
teenagers from both sides would give their lives and none of us knew
Stock photo. Not our unit. Like this afterwards. |
why. Some
of us cried because the fear was so great. Young men from North Vietnam looked
at pictures of their families one last time and prayed to their God for safety.
They were like us. I remember praying too. No one on that field of honor on
either side wanted to die in the Delta.
Looking into the
tree line, and knowing he was looking at you, creates a strange bond between
opposing infantry. It was a bond of respect shared by infantry through the
ages. He was about to give his life for what he believed in. You were about to
do the same. Honor and respect for the North Vietnamese Army. Honor and respect
for the flower children. We all flashed two fingered peace signs and had ban
the bomb symbols on our helmets. Sir Charles did too.
He would wait
for us to enter the trees, taking us too close to use our supporting fire. He
would go nose to nose with us in a life or death slug-fest. Man on man. Live or
die. As we approached, we knew what was coming. Yet, we pressed forward and he
didn't run.
Beforehand, our
squad would take turns and decide who would take point that day. It wasn't
Jimmy’s turn but when another guy refused, Jimmy volunteered to take the other
guys place. He was like that. He was the bravest person I have ever known. This
time, taking point was a death sentence and Jimmy knew it. Still, as we entered
the tree line, Jimmy went in. He went in and didn't complain.
He was only a
few feet away when the “thud” of the bullet struck Jimmy’s flesh. He heard his
friend give out a moan only the "soon dead" utter. The sound starts
out audibly and fades into silence very quickly.
It is a sound
that strikes deep into the soul for those who have heard it. It is a
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Stock photo. |
sound that comes back in dreams for many years to come and the sound raises its ugly head in moments least expected. The Death Moan never goes away resonating in dreams for a lifetime. It's present in your dreams. It’s there in daylight hours. It surfaces without warning and at times you least expect.
Years later,
those who knew him best, would sometimes see tears in his eyes during movies or
conversations. He couldn't explain his feelings and no one would understand, so
he endured the weight of the memory alone. Always alone!
He crawled over
to Jimmy, grabbed him by his webbing and dragged his pal over to a big tree. He
sat down, leaned up against a tree and put his friend into his arms. The world
went quiet for a while, two kids sitting in a foreign land under a tree,
A firefight
broke out after the single shot, yet the two of them were not aware of
The Mekong was like this. Everywhere. |
Concussions from
explosions were shaking the earth but were not felt by either. The world had
come to a private moment between the living and the "soon dead". Holding his
friend in his arms, he cried.
He looked down
at Jimmy and saw that his right eye had been partially popped from his eye
socket. Blood vessels had burst covering his friends face with life blood. This
as a result of the impact the bullet had on his frail body.
There were no
words from the dying soldier the way you see in movies. Only gurgles could be
heard as his friend slowly choked to death on his own blood and vomit which was
spewing all over his shirt and legs. His friend was in his
death throes and it was all he could do to hold Jimmy steady in his
arms as uncontrolled muscles jerked and twitched.
Then for a brief
moment but lasting for eternity Jimmy looked up and fixed his
Then Jimmy
reached up and wiped a tear from the face of his friend holding him so tightly.
In a fleeting second the "light of life" faded and in a
moment, Jimmy, his
The feeling stays forever. |
Monday, October 28, 2013
Republicans Should Suffer the Consequences
Uploaded on Nov 29, 2011
Advocating Secession, or promoting the violation of Federal Law is treasonous and there should be Consequences. It's time to stop playing games with anyone trying to destroy our nation.
This subject has been taken too lightly for too long. Not responding to these modern day Confederate Traitors only encourages and emboldens individuals and organizations to secede from the United States.
During our civil war, one must never forget that the ultimate goal of the Confederacy was to destroy the United States. If the Confederacy had won the Civil War the American continent would look very different today. Secession by any state in today's world would destroy the United States. Do not take these New World Confederate Traitors lightly. Put them down now or regret it later. The video suggests what we need to do with these Traitors to the American dream.
If a state seceded from the Union would President Obama have the courage of Abraham Lincoln and save the Union? Would President Obama use force to put down insurrection? Let's not find out. Put a stop to nullification and secession right now.
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